Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Early November update: DARPA, GCE, open source release

It has been a busy few weeks, and it is not going to get better in November.  No big deal because I am enjoying startup life. My biggest challenge is to not work too much.  I am in the process of applying for a DARPA research grant for the company

I have been looking to scale my design environment to the cloud.  I followed a friend's recommendation and eval'ed Google Compute Engine. Wow! I was up and running in seconds.  I intended to buy an additional workstation to serve as a build server, but the $20,000 in free startup credits have me thinking otherwise.

I open sourced my design environment to support the effort.  Here is a link to the public repository https://bitbucket.org/ecote/nade.

Here is a picture of an FPGA that I produced.

I also recently subscribed to Grammarly.  I am incredibly impressed.

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